What a week!! Ohmygoodness gracious.
First off, transfers came! Sister Cobabe and I are together for another transfer, and guess what else! We're getting Elders in our ward! Which is pretty cool, we haven't had Elders in a few years.. So this is going to be pretty interesting!
We also had Zone Conference this week! Which is when all the missionaries in two areas (in our case) get together and have some training's for about six hours! It was SO great! We talked a lot about how we need to have patience and persistence, and about our Savior, Jesus Christ. We talked about how he knows us personally, and how the Atonement of Jesus Christ is SO applicable to EVERY SINGLE PERSON. He knows each of us, and wants each of us to succeed! How great is that?
I love being a missionary!
We also had Ernie's baptism this week!! We believe that we must be baptized by immersion by someone holding the Priesthood, which the Priesthood is the power and authority to act in God's name. So when we're baptized, we enter into a covenant with God, we promise to take upon Christs name, and to serve those around us, really to be a better person. In return, God promises us to forgive all our sins. Those sins can be washed away during baptism! Pretty amazing.
Watching Ernie get baptized was pretty flipping sweet! When he came out of the water, he had the biggest smile I've ever seen! Not just a smile because he was happy, but it was such a pure smile! We could just see in his eyes, SO much relief that has been lifted away from him. It was extremely humbling being able to see his progression, it's such a blessing to be a missionary! I just love it!
We also had a surprise service project! Haha, it's a pretty long story, but we ended up painting a big room! It doesn't sound like it would be a big project but goodness gracious. It was long. But it was so great! The lady we helped was so thankful that we came!
I also went to the E.R. again this week.. That was fun! Eye issues are the best. Maybe one day I wont be injured or have things go wrong with my head! ;) But I'm being blessed in SO many ways!
Welp. I guess that's about it.. Haha, but this week was so great! I love this gospel. In just a few words, it gives be peace, it gives me joy, it gives me happiness, I love sharing it with everyone I see, and everyone I know. It's a blessing to have it in my life.
So for the funny moment of the week!
We were at a members home for a lesson, and they have a daughter that's about 5-6? I'm not entirely sure.
But we were talking with everyone after the lesson was over, and all the sudden, she stands up and yells "HEY EVERYONE! LET'S PLAY DEAD!" and falls to the ground!!! It was SO funny! I probably shouldn't think it was so funny, but it was!
I sure do love y'all! Thank you so much for all the support y'all send me! I love getting letters and emails, even if I can't respond to each of them, they make me happy!
I love y'all so much! I hope y'all have a great week!!<3
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